Collage of stained glass and glass artworks, including colorful abstract designs, floral motifs, a blue glass sculpture, and vibrant patterns.

Merinda has over thirty years of experience teaching glass art and craft techniques. Her passion has led her to learn from some of the best glass artists in their fields in Australia and overseas. Curiosity and individual passion will be the guiding principles as you learn in a light-filled, inspiring workshop setting. You will be encouraged at every step and walk away with a piece that you can be proud of.

There are a variety of classes on offer for beginners and experienced participants.

leadlight classes Hobart Tasmania
Copper foil Tiffany workshop Tudor Rose Glass Works
fused kiln formed glass Tudor Rose Glass Works
A collage of glass art processes, showing fired glass pieces in a kiln, colorful glass mosaic pieces, a painted glass artwork depicting an animal, curved glass molds, and a close-up of a person painting a glass panel.

We also run a variety of other classes throughout the year based on different techniques, including cast glass and painting on glass. If you have a small group, we can arrange a workshop for you and your group based on a specific project. Please contact Merinda for more information.

NOTE: Classes are designed for people over 16 years of age. We run specific parent and child classes on occasion and according to demand.


Learn this traditional technique to make windows and door panels for your home.


This technique is best suited to suncatchers, lampshades, jewellery boxes and other 3D or delicate items


Melt and shape glass in a kiln to make your own tiles, plates and bowls, and jewellery.

Gardens with Glass Tudor Rose Glass Works
Make a lampshade weekend Tudor Rose Glass Works
Dilute, Distort, Design Fused glass Tudor Rose Glass Works